Center for entrepreneurship and executive development – Moldova 2013 – present

CEED is building an entrepreneur eco-system — a community where entrepreneurs can find peers they trust, share experiences, learn and do business together – in underserved markets throughout the world. Importantly, this cannot be considered to be ‘a project’ that has a beginning and an end. The building of an eco-system is an organic process that does not necessarily happen spontaneously and can take years to evolve. It not only needs to be catalysed, it requires assertive promotion, direct selling and incentives to win entrepreneurs’ initial participation and to retain them in the program. CEED’s Grow program is the tool used to attract both successful local trainers, mentors and entrepreneurs into the eco-system. The CEED Grow program provides an integrated package of support to entrepreneurs and top managers of small and growing businesses (SGBs) – the experiential learning, mentorship, local networking and the regional networking that synergistically work to provide them with the business know-how, skills and contacts they need to grow their businesses;